Rawfacts Notes

Rawfacts Notes

Focus is the ability to limit your distractions and pay attention to only one thing that matters.

Ideas don’t come out fully formed, they only become clearer when you work on them, you just have to get started, keep going.
Good intention is not enough.
You must have good orientation,
Good decision,
Good actions,
Good expectations.

In the journey of life, a lot of things will happen that will change our lives, forever.

Confident people are not really the fearless, they are those who try against all odds.

Never forget who you are, it gives you clarity about life.
Never deny who you’re, it keeps you on track.
Never accept who you’re not, it destroys your joy.

Own yourself
Love yourself
Respect yourself
Accept your flaws
Rebirth yourself.

Never let go what is most important to you!

Don’t be proud, you need people.
Don’t be deceived, you need God!

I’m boundless!

I Am Rawfacts
Shots by: @thefemilabi

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